Rs.6000 Stationery Allowance for Students: Registration Instructions

Stationery Allowance for Students : As a strategy to reduce the impact on education of vulnerable school children adversely affected, allowing the government to provide a grant to meet they need to purchase school stationery when the 2025 school begins.

In a notice, the Finance Ministry said that survey showed that 55 percent of school children have been impacted negatively with a higher prevalence amongst rural and estate dwellers.

Also, 53.2 percent of the affected children have either reduced on completely stopped buying school stationery while 26.1 percent are ‘re-using current’ or previously used ones.

Finding of the study: Household Survey on the Impact of the Economic Crisis – 2023 conducted by the Department of Census & Statistics have clearly depicted how the education of children has suffered due to the economic crisis.

Therefore, arrangements have already been made to give an 6000 Stationery Allowance for Students of Rs. 6,000 per child to school going children belonging to Aswesuma families.

The Treasury has arranged to disburse the money through Aswesuma bank accounts by twenty seventh of December.

Moreover, as necessary, it is expected that the above referred requisite amount will be made available to the Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Vocational Education in 2025 to expand this allowance under an adequate formula, other deserving school going children can also receive Rs. 6000 worth of 6000 Stationery Allowance for Students.

Through this programme the government intends to further reduce the parental cost of school education to help parents give their children the best education they need to shape their future.

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